How Does Digital Detox Help You Be Green?

– Shivaan Darda

Image: tstimetologoffImpact of Technology on the Environment

The rapid expansion of technology has brought about significant environmental consequences. Here’s more on that.

Image: freepik
  • Energy Consumption: In 2010, data centers worldwide saw a 56% surge in energy consumption compared to levels in 2005. If this growth trend persists, projections indicate that data centers could account for over 13% of global electricity consumption.


  • Electronic Waste aka E-waste: In 2019, the world generated approximately 53.6 million metric tons of electronic waste.
  • Resource Depletion: Producing a single smartphone requires around 50 different minerals and metals, including rare earth elements like neodymium, indium, and cobalt. Mining activities for rare earth minerals have caused significant environmental damage, including deforestation, soil erosion, and pollution of air and waterways.


Three Ways Digital Detox Can Help The Environment

Image: acadle

1.Reduced Energy Consumption: Many digital devices consume energy even when not in active use. By unplugging and turning off devices during a digital detox, individuals can reduce their energy consumption and lower their carbon footprint.

2.Decreased Electronic Waste: The rapid pace of technological advancement leads to frequent upgrades and disposal of old devices. Engaging in a digital detox can encourage people to use their devices for longer, thus reducing the amount of electronic waste generated.

3.Promotion of Outdoor Activities: Digital detox encourages people to spend more time outdoors and engage in activities without technology. This can lead to a deeper appreciation for nature and a greater inclination towards sustainable practices.