Renewable... Clean... Green!
We all know that fossil fuel is killing us slowly, but certainly. Uncontrolled use of fossil fuel is one of the major reasons behind fast deterioration of our environment. We also know that the only w...
Do you know what a cheval is?
Do you know what a cheval is? No??? Okay. Perd? No? Alright. Hest? Beygir? Hestur? Are you sure? Because we are sure that you have seen this animal... Yes, its an animal and you h...
Endangered and Extinct
Endangered and extinct are the two words that one cannot escape if one is interested in wildlife conservation. These are the two words that create a sense of despair in...
Caught in the Kite String
As Sankranti draws near, the fever of kite flying gripps India. The sky is colourful with kites and the roads are full of excitedly screaming groups of kids running aft...
Seed Bank at Gondiya
You must have heard of small saving groups in schools. Kids save their pocket money in this activity and that is often looked over by a teacher. But have you ever heard of a seed bank run by school...
Hexagonal Houses and Dangerous Owners!
Part 1 : “AAAAAAAA” Aarush’s parents rushed outside hearing his cry. It was already dusk and the sunlight was fading away fast. Aarush’s par...
Can Turtles swim without flippers?
When we say wildlife, most of us imagine Tigers and Elephants... But there is a lot more to wild life than that. It ranges from mundane yellow butterflies that visit our backyards to rarest of the...
(World Giraffe Day Special) Tallest Terrestrial Animal
Currently, India has 29 giraffes in a total of 10 zoos. Kolkata zoo holds the biggest herd of 10 giraffes, followed by Mysore zoo which has...
World Environment Day special - Sparrows of India
Sparrows are relatively a small bird. 'Passer' is the genus of sparrows and is the Latin word for them. There are many species...
Hyena A Natural Scavenger....
Hyenas are also known as natural scavengers. They are famed scavengers and often dine on the leftovers of other predators. Though hyenas are less they are a unique and important part of...