Stories by Shivaan Darda

Indigenous Owl Species on the Brink of Extinction

The northern spotted owl, one of the most well known owl species to inhabit the Pacific Northwest regions, have reached population numbers of an all time low. These brown owls, with white speckles and...

Lesser Known

We know animals that are famous and glamorous. We also know animals that are endangered. But do we know animals that are lesser known? That’s kind of a funny question...

Covid-19 and Animals

You must have seen pictures of wild animals roaming the now empty streets of big cities. Tigers in New York and peacocks in Mumbai. You must have seen numerous photos of wild animals visiting human ho...

Ice Cap Melting

Is global warming real? Is climate change real? Are seasons really changing? But we don't see any proof! Maybe its all a hoax by the environment warriors... We still meet this kind of p...


Animals come in all shapes and sizes. There are tiny insects and there are big animals. There are wild animals and domestic animals. There are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. There are poisonous...

Flightless Birds

Penguins are one of those cuties of nature. Anyone who sees any video of a penguin invariably falls in love with it. Found mostly in the southern hemisphere, penguins are a species of flightless birds...

Wildlife Conservation

We’ve all heard about wildlife. We’ve all heard about conservation. And of course, we’ve all heard about wildlife conservation. But do you know what does it mean...

Vulture is a patient bird

Vulture is a bird that is almost always looked down upon. It is mainly due to their natural behavior. Vultures feed on dead animals. They are perceived as the villains of the nature who patiently wait...


We humans always think about ourselves as the 'special specie'. We think that we are the one of it's kind specie in terms of intelligence. We also think that we are so far apart from any other specie...


Like everything else, there are fashions and trends in environment protection. Some of those things arise out of need. For example, a new situation arises and then a solution is found to deal with tha...